
Neighbor trying to claim colony road

28-Oct-2024 (In Civil Law)
My neighbour’s house main gate is outside colony and his corner house extends through the entrance of the colony. He has started parking his vehicles claiming that the colony road is his property and also have opened 3 doors from sides of his house. I am unable to park my car properly.
Answers (4)

Answer #1
759 votes
you have to file a complaint before your development authority to get rid of your problem The encroachment of public or government property is offensive in the eye of law for further information kindly contact me so I can help you properly
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #2
775 votes
there is something known as easements right but as long as the opposite party doesn't commit nuisance he will have a right of way. the court will grant injunction mandating him not to encroach upon the colony road
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #3
747 votes
You can file a civil suit claiming under easement act for the use of road,
you can also file a criminal case against the encroachment
there is another option to make party to the builder or plotter of the lnad.
as there is joint share of every colonial person in the road
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #4
736 votes
you can move application to municipal corporation and alongwith that you can move case in civil court or you can move to D. M. they can help you and for information you have to brief your case in detail then i can help you in better way
Helpful? LawRato LawRato

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