
What is the procedure for buying government property on street land

27-Jun-2023 (In Property Law)
There is any way to buy government property,i want to buy small area for shop to open on govt property On street path.
Answers (1)

Answer #1
864 votes
No, you cannot buy a land from the government for your own benefit. you can lease the land for the following purpose

1. Agriculture - the leasing, sale and disposal of agricultural land is a subject that varies from State to State. Each State Govt. has its own policies on how to deal with the issue of selling agricultural land to a person who is a non-agriculturist.

I can answer this part of your question in the context of Karnataka. Under the Karnataka Land Revenue Act the government is enabled to sell agricultural government land (as well as other government land) to a non-agriculturist. The procedure prescribed for purchasing such agricultural land involves making an application to the local District Collector of where you wish to purchase the land, and making a case for such purchase. If the DC is satisfied he will allot the land to you and you will be obliged to commence farming it within 12 months from allotment, or such other period as he may prescribe.

Your chances of being allotted land are inversely proportional to the quality of the land i.e., waste land with non-arable soil will be given much easier than irrigated land with cultivable soil.

2. Building a House - various government agencies such as city or municipal development authorities are allotted land by the State Govt for the purpose of building layouts. The plots in such layouts are then opened up for sale to the general public through the means of public sales or allotment by lottery. This is one way to own a piece of government land to build a house.

If there is no scheme of this nature where you intend to build your house, you can make an ad hoc application to the local land revenue department for an allotment of land, however, it is unlikely that such application will be generally successful.

3. IT Park - Most States have industrial policies and schemes under which land allotment is done for industry. Read through the policy of your State and make an application under the appropriate provisions of the policy.

Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.

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