
Purchased agricultural land from a farmer pls help

07-Sep-2024 (In Property Law)
I had purchased a agricultural land from a farmer, obtaining all the noc from his family members sisters,father and mother,etc. Since 7 years their minor sons who turned to be major now,have raised a case on us stating that they have not been given a share and their family members have sold the land when they were minor, we attended the court, everytime the court dismisses the case on us, it's been 3 times that their case is being removed, but still they admit in different court
Answers (1)

Answer #1
506 votes
I have gone through what you have posted. it is not permitted to file a case in a different Court other than the one which is having territorial jurisdiction. maybe they are filing appeal against the dismissal. inform where the land is and where they are filing Cases
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