How to register compromise decree in sub registrars office
20-Feb-2023 (In Property Law)
i had filed a partition suit(residential house) against my two brother in civil court sir.div.kanpur .after fighting a three years in court was compromised.juge granted compromised decree &order based on agreement among us.i want to know do i have ragister this compromised decree in sub ragistrar office.
You will have to get the certified copy of this order where the decree and the order has been passed and produce it before the sub registrar office, thereupon depicting the agreement that took place and showing that what distribution of the property has been made.

In response to the above query, it would be suggested that in the given context, the registration of the decree is not required as per Sec. 17 of the Registration Act unless that decree takes in immovable property valued above Rs.100/-, that is not a subject matter of the suit or the proceeding giving rise to the compromise decree. In other words, only if the compromise also takes in any property that is not the subject matter of the suit, it would require registration. But being a partition suit, the compromise was confined to subject matter of the suit, hence no registration required. Thanks

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whether the registration of compromise decree awarded by court needs to be drafted by Sub registrar or otherwise.
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