
Can sharers remove their co-sharer's name from the property

27-Jul-2023 (In Property Law)
My father has one property in solapur. After his death it is transferred on my mother and we all three sisters. But my second sister has already got one property as a gift from my mother which was brought by my father on her name. Me and my first sister can we take legel action against my second sister to remove her name from this property as she already got her share from the gifted property and how ??we are HINDU
Answers (2)

Answer #1
519 votes
As per your query
My father has one property in solapur. After his death it is transferred on my mother and we all three sisters. But my second sister has already got one property as a gift from my mother which was brought by my father on her name. Me and my first sister can we take legel action against my second sister to remove her name from this property as she already got her share from the gifted property and how ??we are HINDU

If your sister already received property by way of gift than you can't claim in that gifted property.
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Answer #2
731 votes
This is my response to you:
1. No this is not possible since after your father's death all the legal heirs are entitled to share in the property;
2. If there is document to prove that, she waives of her share/right on your father's property then she cannot claim;
3. If you want to challenge her share then file a suit in the court for partition.
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Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.

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