
Lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

We help you to consult and hire the best lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow for District Courts, High Court & Supreme Court matters. Use filters to narrow your search and find the best advocate in Ambedkar University, Lucknow for your legal matter. Get top lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow for family dispute or divorce matters, property matter, employment or labor court matter, criminal matter, recovery or cheque bounce matters, taxation or corporate matters, or a lawyer expert in any other field of law. We have lawyers in all major localities of Ambedkar University, Lucknow including Mohanlalganj, Avas Vikas Colony, Alambagh, Gomti Nagar, Aliganj, and many more. These lawyers practice in all major courts in Ambedkar University, Lucknow including District Court Lucknow, Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court, Family Court Lucknow, Civil Court Lucknow, State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission UP, and others.

LawRato By Activity

Advocate Siddhant Mishra

5.0 LawRato | 2+ user ratings
LawRatoSouth City, Lucknow
LawRato 9 years Experience
LawRatoCriminal + 3 more

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Advocate Ashutosh Pathak

4.0 LawRato | 2+ user ratings
LawRatoRaibareilly Road, Lucknow
LawRato 27 years Experience
LawRatoCriminal + 3 more

Advocate Anup Yadav

4.0 LawRato | 2+ user ratings
LawRatoChaudhary Vihar, Lucknow
LawRato 6 years Experience
LawRatoArmed Forces Tribunal + 3 more

Advocate Rishabh Kumar

4.0 LawRato | 2+ user ratings
LawRatoOmaxe City, Lucknow
LawRato 4 years Experience
LawRatoAnticipatory Bail + 3 more

Looking for a Lawyer in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

Going through a divorce? Launching a business? Hurt in a car accident? Writing a will? Facing a lawsuit? In any of these situations, you may consider hiring a lawyer to advise you or represent your interests. While each state has many lawyers to choose from, choosing the right lawyer can make the difference between a pleasant experience and a frustrating experience. The advice received from legal experts can make one understand the intricacies involved in a particular case and can help the party understand his or her legal journey. To find the best lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow you can check the list below.

A Few Tips When Hiring an Attorney in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

It's important to understand that a good lawyer doesn't guarantee that you'll win your case. However, having a good lawyer will give you the best chances for a favorable outcome and the comfort of knowing that you had the best legal representation. The first step in hiring a lawyer is choosing one in the practice area that is related to your legal matter because this will ensure that the lawyer is well versed in cases similar to yours.

There are a few general qualities that you should look for when choosing an attorney in Ambedkar University, Lucknow. A good lawyer will have a clear fee structure, which will allow you to figure out if you can afford the attorney's services and let you know what you'll be getting for your money. Another characteristic of a good lawyer is good communication because it's important that the lawyer keeps you up to date with information about your case. Finally, it's important to research the attorney before hiring him or her. You can often find online reviews from past clients, and you can check to see if the lawyer has ever had misconduct complaints against him or her.

Types of Law Firms in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

There are many different types of law firms to choose from. Some law firms that consist of one lawyer while others have hundreds of them spread across the country. Generally, law firms are broken down by size, type of practice, or practice area. Picking a law firm will depend on various factors such as your geographical location (such as Ambedkar University, Lucknow), finances, personal work preference, and your legal matter.

A small law firm, which is also sometimes called a boutique law firm, can have anywhere from 2 to 10 lawyers. A small law firm can often give the feel of lawyer???s chambers, but has the benefit of your lawyer being able to collaborate with his or her coworkers when there is a complicated legal matter. Multiple lawyers can also mean that they can help with a broader range of legal topics.

Large law firms can range from several dozens of lawyers to several thousands of employees including lawyers, paralegals, and administrative staff. Large law firms can exist in multiple cities, states, and even countries. Large law firms often employ attorneys in various legal practice areas, and often have both individual and corporate clients. While you might feel more confident hiring an attorney from a large firm, be ready for a large bill because attorneys at large firms usually charge very high rates.

Practice Areas

In order to hire a lawyer inAmbedkar University, Lucknow, a person must understand the basics of all kinds of law. However, attorneys usually choose to focus on one or two specific practice areas of law. For example, a criminal defense attorney specifically represents criminal defendants, while a personal injury attorney can represent plaintiffs or defendants in personal injury cases. Attorneys usually choose to specialize in an area of law because it's hard or sometimes practically impossible to be well versed in all of the different areas of law.

Criminal Lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

The lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow can help you resolve any kind of criminal issue. Criminal law involves the prosecution and defense of individuals charged with committing acts against society. Criminal offenses are defined by laws and vary from minor infractions like breaking traffic rules to serious crimes like murder. Penalties for crimes are generally proportional to the severity of the crime, with minor offenses usually punishable by a fine or probation. Serious offenses, on the other hand, could result in life in prison or even the death penalty depending on the jurisdiction and the circumstances of the crime.

Criminal proceedings can be very complex and can carry harsh penalties, which is why it's important to contact a lawyer if you are charged with a crime. The Indian Constitution guarantees all criminal defendants a right to hire a lawyer. If the criminal offense carries a possible jail or prison sentence, the court is required to provide the defendant with an attorney if he or she can't afford one.

Family Lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

Family law includes a variety of domestic issues including marriage, divorce, adoption, child custody and visitation rights. While dealing with issues related to family law it's always a good idea to get a family law lawyer. These lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow resolve various kinds of legal issues and disputes including family law matters.They mediate when a dispute arises within the family. These legal professionals provide assistance when a member of the family faces a legal issue.

Another time when consulting with an attorney is a good idea is if your future spouse presents you with a divorce case. Since it will usually affect your marital status and property in the unfortunate event of a divorce and it will include legal jargon, it's important to have a lawyer by your side. Finally, if there is a family law issue in which the opposing side has an attorney, you're at a disadvantage if you don't have your own attorney as well.

Civil Lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

Civil law cases can arise from various different injuries. Civil claims can arise from a defective product, medical malpractice, car accidents, and trespassing on someone else's property. A person who specializes in civil law usually chooses to focus on the defense or plaintiff side.

A civil lawyer in Ambedkar University, Lucknow, who specializes on the plaintiff side brings lawsuits against businesses and individuals on behalf of the injured party. The lawyer can review the case, evaluate the extent of the damages, and determine whether the person or business is liable for the injuries. The lawyer can also advise his or her client on whether it's better to settle or go to trial.

Divorce Lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

Hiring an experienced divorce lawyeris the best way you get peace of mind when dealing with matrimonial cases, child custody, alimony, and mutual divorce or contested divorce proceedings. Consult a top rated divorce lawyer for marriage issuesin Ambedkar University, Lucknow to file or defend your mutual divorce petition, contested divorce, alimony, domestic violence (DV), interim maintenance, 125 CrPC, dowry harassment u/s 498a, women cell complaints or any other related matters.

Property Lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

Typical problems a property lawyercan resolve include illegal possession, ancestral property settlement, and builder delaying possession, property disputes among family, and real estate disputes under RERA act. In property related issues, its always recommended to consult agood property lawyer in Ambedkar University, Lucknow to file or defend a partition suit, title dispute and for due diligence of your property's documents.

A good property lawyer dealing with rent issues can help you win an eviction lawsuit, steer clear of liability, and collect or return a security deposit, whether you are a landlord drawing up a lease or a tenant trying to get back your security deposit.

Lawyers for Consumer Matters in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

Consumer protection lawyers handle a wide range of areas, including consumer fraud, product liability, false advertising, and other business "scams" including delayed possession or completion of builder projects. Consulting a good consumer court lawyer in Ambedkar University, Lucknow for your District Consumer, State Consumer Forum & National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission (NCDRC) matters can help you succeed with your case effectively.

Lawyers for Cheque Bounce Cases in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

If you have a Cheque issued by a debtor that has bounced or has been dishonoured, or someone has issued a cheque bounce notice against you, or you have received court summons for a Section 138 of NI Act (Negotiable Instruments Act) complaint against you, the lawyers specializing in cheque bounce cases in Ambedkar University, Lucknow can provide you necessary help.

Corporate Lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

A corporate lawyerensures the legality of business transactions in compliance to the law, advising corporations and businesses on their legal rights and duties. Reviewing contracts and agreements for companies is carried out by a lawyer for corporate cases. Business clients can seek assistance from corporate lawyers regarding what kind of financial information they are supposed to provide to the shareholders, owners and employees. In Ambedkar University, Lucknow Lawyers from this area of practice can be approached to seek help matters involving corporates and multinational companies.

Immigration Lawyers in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

Successfully steering your immigration case through the complex processes and numerous deadlines is extremely difficult if you don't have an immigration attorney. An experienced immigration attorney in Ambedkar University, Lucknowcan prepare your petitions / applications and resolve issues on visas, green cards, and naturalization.

Intellectual Property Lawyer in Ambedkar University, Lucknow

If you are a startup, designer, developer, or artist, there are many reasons you may need a copyright, patent & trademark lawyer on your side. You may want to protect your work, brand or mark against copy and misuse or someone may have stolen your artwork or website design or plagiarized text from your print or online article. In such cases,you can consult a lawyer in Ambedkar University, Lucknow who can help you protect your trademark, copyright or patent of your work or to initiate proceedings against misuse or infringement of your mark or brand.

Questions to Ask a Lawyerbefore Hiring

If you need a lawyer in Ambedkar University, Lucknow, it's important to hire the best lawyer for your situation. Generally, this means that it's a lawyer whose practice area is in the same area as your legal matter, and it's a lawyer you can afford. It's best to research the lawyers you're considering hiring, and once you've narrowed the field, it's helpful to have an initial consultation with a couple of your top choices.

Interviewing a Lawyer

It's important to interview the lawyer you want to hire to help you with your legal matter. Often times, lawyers will provide free or low-cost initial consultation. You can find out about the same by callingchecking out our website to see the procedure for free consultation. This consultation allows you to give some details of your case and ask some basic questions about the lawyer. An initial consultation can help you decide if you want to proceed with your matter with a lawyer, and if the particular lawyer is the right one for you.

One of the first things you'll want to ask a lawyer is about his or her fees. It's important to know what you will be billed for and what payment options the lawyer provides. This is an important question because it will allow you to determine if you can afford the lawyer's services.

It's also a good idea to ask the lawyer about his or her legal career. It's good to know how many years the lawyer has practiced law, and what type of cases the lawyer generally handles. It would also be helpful to know who the lawyer's typical client is. For example, if a lawyer usually works with businesses and you're an individual, the lawyer might not be the right one for you. Finally, it can be helpful to ask if the lawyer has represented cases similar to yours, and what the outcomes of those cases were.


FAQ's on Lawyers

1. Why should I hire a lawyer near me?

It is important to hire a lawyer near you so that there is ease of access whenever documents need to be exchanged and/or whenever you are required to meet with a lawyer regarding your case.

2. How to shortlist the perfect lawyer in Lucknow for my case?

In order to shortlist the perfect lawyer in Lucknow for your case, you should look for a lawyer who has a decent amount of experience in handling cases such as yours and who charges a fee that is under your case budget.

3. How much does a lawyer in Lucknow cost?

The cost for a lawyer in Lucknow differs contingent upon various components, including the case type, attorney's understanding, experience, track record, and area of practice.

4. Do I need to pay for the contact details for the lawyer in Lucknow?

No, you will not be charged for the contact details of a lawyer in Lucknow.

5. How does a Lawyer in Lucknow communicate with his/her client?

In most cases, a lawyer in Lucknow will communicate in face-to-face meetings with the client, especially for the initial process. However, the lawyer could also communicate via email and phone.

6. Can I hire a lawyer from a different state?

Yes, you can. However, it is recommended to hire a lawyer from the state where the case has been filed as the local lawyer will have better knowledge and understanding of the local laws and procedures followed in that particular state.

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as on Feb 19, 2025

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