
Consult Best Prem Nagar Dehradun Labour & Service Lawyers / Advocates Near You

It's quite common nowadays for companies to withhold salary dues and delay full and final settlement of employees apart from delaying or denying promotions arbitrarily. Use LawRato to hire a top rated service and employment lawyer or a labor lawyer in Prem Nagar, Dehradun for matters like recovery of salary dues, illegal termination, sexual harassment and Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) matters.   We have lawyers in all major localities of Prem Nagar, Dehradun including Banjarawala, Kaulagarh, Harrawala, Nehrugram, Araghar, and many more. These lawyers practice in all major courts in Prem Nagar, Dehradun including District Court Dehradun, Uttarakhand High Court, Debts Recovery Tribunal Dehradun, Uttarakhand Information Commission, and others.

LawRato By Activity
One of the best Advocates & Lawyers in Dehradun - Advocate Eshwarya Bangwal
Advocate Eshwarya Bangwal

Advocate Eshwarya Bangwal

4.9 LawRato| 50+ user ratings
LawRatoCivil Court Compound, Dehradun
LawRato 8 years Experience
LawRatoLabour & Service + 3 more

Advocate Gaurav Sharma

4.0 LawRato | 2+ user ratings
LawRatoDistrict Court of Dehradun, Dehradun
LawRato 16 years Experience
LawRatoLabour & Service + 3 more

Advocate Vipin Rawat

4.0 LawRato | 2+ user ratings
LawRatoHaridwar Road, Dehradun
LawRato 10 years Experience
LawRatoLabour & Service + 3 more

Advocate Prateek Kapil

4.0 LawRato | 2+ user ratings
LawRatoDehradun District Court, Dehradun
LawRato 7 years Experience
LawRatoLabour & Service + 3 more

Advocate Chitra Rab

2.6 LawRato| 5+ user ratings
LawRatoDoon Vihar, Dehradun
LawRato 18 years Experience
LawRatoLabour & Service + 3 more

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best Labour & Service lawyer in Prem Nagar, Dehradun?

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FAQ's on Labour & Service Lawyers

1. How will LawRato help me to hire a lawyer near me?

LawRato will connect you with various lawyers and it will give you the liberty to choose from various lawyers, you can also find a lis of lawyers with their experience and contact mentioned at Labour & Service lawyers Dehradun.

2. How to shortlist the perfect Labour & Service lawyer in Dehradun for my case through LawRato?

To shortlist the perfect Labour & Service lawyer in Dehradun for your case, you will find a list of lawyers in the listings provided by LawRato, then you just need to see their experience and decide on a budget. You can also talk to them and understand if their way of working will match with you.

3. How much does a Labour & Service lawyer in Dehradun cost?

The cost for a Labour & Service lawyer in Dehradun differs contingent on various components, including the case type, attorney's understanding, experience, track record, and area of practice.

4. Do I need to pay LawRato for the contact details for the Labour & Service lawyer in Dehradun?

No, you will not be charged for the contact details of a Labour & Service lawyer in Dehradun.

5. How does a Labour & Service Lawyer communicate with his/her client?

In most cases, a Labour & Service lawyer in Dehradun will communicate in face-to-face meetings with the client, especially for the initial process. However, the lawyer could also communicate via email and phone.

Recent Client Reviews

as on Feb 18, 2025

Average Rating
Labour & Service Lawyers in Dehradun
LawRato LawRato LawRato LawRato LawRato (4.6) - 122 reviews