
want to help my girlfriend who is forced to marry another person by h

06-Nov-2024 (In Divorce Law)
I want to help my girlfriend who is just seventeen years old and she will turn 18 soon her parents are forcing her to marry someone else by beating her very badly they know about our relationship they are beating her and she doesn't want to marry anyone else she also tried to commit suicide by taking poison but her parents are still forcing her please help me
Answers (3)

Answer #1
657 votes
if your girlfriend is not major then her family members cannot solemnised her marriage and when he turns 18 also then they cannot solemnised her marriage.
if they are doing so kindly approach the police station or women commission
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Answer #2
889 votes
if her parents want to forcibly marry her that is against the law. you and she have all the rights to tie the knot. one point are you earning sufficiently. what do your parents have to say. if her parents are beating her you can make a police complaint
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Answer #3
575 votes
It may be a criminal offence

According to Article 21 of Indian Constitution - No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.

For more details You should approach an advocate as soon as possible
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