125 CRPC , What is meant by' stistedar report' stage in crpc 125
11-Jan-2025 (In Divorce Law)
What is meant by' stistedar report' stage in crpc 125?
Dear Sir,
Chief Ministerial Officer or Manager of that Court will be called as Stistedar. Sometimes, Courts may relay upon the reports submitted by their Managers. It is not known what type of report is called for by the Court since it is simply a case of maintenance filed by wife against the husband. Get certified copies of entire order sheet, petition copy and interim application and documents and approach the Advocate then you can get effective legal advise.
Chief Ministerial Officer or Manager of that Court will be called as Stistedar. Sometimes, Courts may relay upon the reports submitted by their Managers. It is not known what type of report is called for by the Court since it is simply a case of maintenance filed by wife against the husband. Get certified copies of entire order sheet, petition copy and interim application and documents and approach the Advocate then you can get effective legal advise.
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