
Query is chargesheet is filed but there is no statement of witnesses

07-Sep-2024 (In Criminal Law)
A chargesheet is filed against me in district court & I get supply of that chargesheet but in chargesheet there is list of witnesses their names & address but there are not statements of them. So my question is statement will be record in court or police recorded but didn't attached in chargesheet
Answers (4)

Answer #1
922 votes
That means that there is a deficiency in the chargesheet and you should immediately report this issue in the court where your matter is pending. Or you can always apply for the certified copy of the chargesheet from the judicial file. For more legal assistance I am just a call away.
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Answer #2
972 votes
The Chargesheet contains the initial statement of the witnesses and in your the case the most probable situation could be that the pages containing the statements are missing or has not been attached by the police.
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Answer #3
589 votes
It is a very serious matter and you have identified it at very right time. It often happens that IO in a case investigates the matter in favour of complainant, though IO has to investigate only and collect all the evidence and should not suppress anything favouring accused. You should immediately contact your advocate to rectify the error.
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Answer #4
922 votes
You don’t hv to get into the technical part therefore it’s better to hire expert advocate for your Defense and start answering his questions instead of yours !
Expert advocate will frame all his questions to cross examine the prosecution
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