
How to deal with false attempt to rape case

07-Sep-2023 (In Criminal Law)
If anyone filed FIR against me that is attempt to rape with false doctor injury certificate and state that he has no any witness. then what should I do?
Answers (1)

Answer #1
508 votes
Need to review the copy of the FIR. Legal positions cannot be answered without complete facts, as the answer will differ from one facts to other facts. For the sake of discussion, Supreme Court has held that unlike the charge of attempt to murder, IPC does not recognize the charge of attempt to rape. Rape is said to have been committed only if a man inserts his sexual organ into the victim. Any other act only qualifies for the offence of outraging a woman’s modesty. Highlighting this difference, the Supreme Court has said that a man who is caught preparing to rape a woman cannot be charged under section 376 of the IPC. He also cannot be charged with attempted rape under section 511 of IPC, which deals with attempts to commit murder or preparation to commit dacoity. Section 354 IPC is applicable in such cases.

There is no necessity for having a witness. As per the latest rulings of Apex Court, it is held that a prosecutrix with whom such heinous crime has taken place witnesses are not required. Now as per Apex Court's ruling even at the time of Evidence it is not necessary to prove the happening of incidence by adducing Medical Evidence. Solitary evidence of the prosecutrix is sufficient enough to prove the guilt.

However, if such incident did not took place and you have been falsely implicated in this case, then you should approach Calcutta High Court for quashing of the FIR and criminal proceeding against you.

Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.

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