
Trademark brandname- "Ria & Rhea" "Ria and Rhea"

02-Sep-2024 (In Trademark & Copyright Law)
I am registering a sole propriety, and want to get a brand name trademarked. 1. With "Ria and Riya" trademark, is " Ria & Riya" also trademarked? 2. Will I need to trademark both, and what'll be the estimated cost? 3. Can a LLP/Pvt Ltd. with that company name, claim my trademark? Can a Sole Propriety have a name other than my name? Like "Ria and Rhea?"
Answers (2)

Answer #1
534 votes
Sir You can get the trademark done for both the name on individual name or on business name. I would suggest if we can connect in call for better understanding. As before telling anything need to understand since when you are using
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Answer #2
950 votes
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