
I Have Paid 1.5 Lack To Consultant

01-Nov-2024 (In Civil Law)
I have paid 1.5 lack to start my Luxembourg work permit process.The consultant has made a contract for the work permit , as per that no refund, the consultant told me that I will get an offer letter within two months for Luxembourg and total processing time for work permit 6 to 7 month , this 7 month going on still i didn't get offer letter also , I am calling there team to know when I will get my offer letter for Luxembourg just team is telling I will ask and let you know but no proper response , but they told me at time of staring that you will get offer letter within in 2 months this is 7 month is going on I am not getting any proper response from last 3 months there are telling that you will get offer letter at the end of the month they are saying this from past 3 months but still i didn't get offer letter so what can I do in this case , I am calling daily 3 to 4 times just They team members will tell that they will ask him get back , so response ofter that
Answers (1)

Answer #1
709 votes
hi first need to see the terms and conditions of the work contract agreed between the parties and its clauses and if they are not giving offer letter and not responding then you could send legal notice to company for refund of money or approach consumer forum
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