
Paid 75 Lacs to the Seller & Registry is for Rs 39 Lacs

07-Sep-2024 (In Property Law)
Hi, I paid ₹75 lakh to the seller (as per our agreement) and registered the property for ₹39 lakh based on the circle rates. Did I do something wrong? Now, after a month, the seller is asking me to re-register the property for the full amount of ₹75 lakh and threatening to file a complaint with the Income Tax Department If i fail to do so.
Answers (2)

Answer #1
733 votes
Dear Sir/ Madam
Firstly, he can't threaten you and compel you to pay the amount already paid, or you may get an FIR lodged against him for doing so. Simultaneously you should file a civil suit against him restraining him to ask you the money already paid. You may consult me in that regard.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #2
881 votes
If sale deed has been executed for the said amount then don’t worry ! If he show that u hv paid something In black he needs to prove with evidences n he himself is liable to do such activities!
U need to hire an expert advocate to submit one apprehension intimation for your safety
Helpful? LawRato LawRato

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