
Cancel the Sale Deed as uncle selling his share of undivided land

13-Sep-2023 (In Property Law)

My Uncle sale his share of Undivided land to outsider. now purchaser file a partition suit. total land share is 8, out of that 1/6 is mine. my uncle sale his 1/8 share in various type of land. this is our ancestral agriculture or abadi, banjar land. am not want to give my ancestral land to outsider, but my uncle not ask me to purchase his share. and sale to real estate agent. am want to back this land. how can i cancel this sale deed. or any law for co-owner to give first right to purchase the co-owner undivided ancestral share. purchaser has no procession yet.

Answers (1)

Answer #1
83 votes

You can file a suit for injunction thereby seeking injunction on the property and in the said suit seek that being the co owner of the property you should first preference to buy the land

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