
Builder not giving CF NOC what to do

04-Oct-2024 (In Property Law)
I have purchased a flat in resale. The loan has been disbursed by HDFC bank. The builder and the seller party told that they will submit the documents cf noc from builder within 15 days. It's been more than 15 days. The builder has not submitted the required documents to bank due to which I have to pay pre emi interest to the bank. We have paid all the dues to builder and still builder is not submitting the required documents. I don't want to pay any more pre emi interest because of this issue on builder's part. Tell me what should be done legally and also I want to send a strong message to builder so that it does not happen again
Answers (1)

Answer #1
628 votes
Hi, you can send legal notice to the builder asking him to submit all the documents to the bank and if still he doesn't submits the same and you are charged with pre emi interest, then you can file a case before UPRERA or consumer court.
Kindly visit office for further details
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