
Agreement done at Mediation court but other party not adhering.

09-Sep-2024 (In Property Law)
There is a inheritance and property dispute case was going on at Noida court that was sent for mediation. The mediation court agreed us to certain points for division. Agreement was signed at mediation court. But other party again not adhering to the agreement clauses and not responding to any message to proceed for the execution of tasks as per agreement.What documents shall I submit to request court to impose penalty and safegaurd me from financial losses & to implement agreement within time.
Answers (1)

Answer #1
671 votes
In your case, since the mediation agreement was signed and the other party is not adhering to its terms, you can file an application before the court for the execution of the mediation agreement under Order 23 Rule 3 of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC). Along with the application, submit a copy of the signed mediation agreement and any communication or evidence showing the other party's non-compliance. You can also request the court to impose penalties under Section 89 of CPC for non-compliance and safeguard you from further financial losses.

Additionally, you may seek a court order directing the other party to comply with the terms within a specified timeframe. If necessary, file for contempt of court if their refusal to comply persists.
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