
After registry from 2 years Not getting possession of my land

10-Sep-2024 (In Property Law)
How can I get the possession of my land which I purchased and done dakhil kharij of it .
Answers (1)

Answer #1
674 votes
To gain possession of the land you have purchased and where the *dakhil kharij* (mutation) is complete, you have legal ownership, but actual possession needs to be asserted if someone else is in possession. You should first issue a legal notice to the person occupying the land, demanding possession based on your ownership documents and the *dakhil kharij*. If they fail to comply, you can file a civil suit for possession under the Specific Relief Act, 1963. You may also request an injunction to prevent the current occupier from selling or altering the land. If there is any encroachment, you can file a complaint with the local authorities or approach the court for relief.
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