
About arms license transfer within family

11-Oct-2024 (In Property Law)
My aunt(mother’s sister) is unmarried and she bought me up from my childhood ( I lived with her and my grandparents). My grandfather transferred his arm on my aunts name and now she wants to transfer it on my name. But now divisional commissioner’s officials asked me for adoption certificate which I don’t have. What can I do about this?
Answers (1)

Answer #1
522 votes
Your aunt must register on the CARINGS portal with the necessary documents

Consent of Your biological parents is required even if you are older than 5 years

Your aunt must submit adoptive affidavit supporting their financial status and social status as per schedule 25 of adoption rules 2022

The DISTRICT CHILD PROTECTION UNIT will verify the your aunts documents and resources

The state adoption resource agency refers the case to the relevant authorities for approval and pre approval ceritficate is issued as per the schedule 30

Finally the adoption order is issued by the DCPU
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