What does the status "formalities check fail" in trademark means?
24-Sep-2023 (In Trademark & Copyright Law)
i applied for trademark registration with my proprietor code. the status is showing formalities check fail. what does that mean and what is to be done. thanks and regards
Formalities Check Failed means that there is a deficiency or irregularity in the application which has been filed. You may provide us the application details and then we can check and revert as regards the next step.
It is one of the initial stages of the trademark registration process where the status in the Trade Mark Registry website is shown as Formalities Chk Fail. This could happen in instances such as non-filing of POA, non-filing of translation/transliteration when the trademark is not in English/Hindi, filing in wrong class, etc. The reason for the Formalities objection should be ascertained and appropriate action should be taken for the application to move forward for registration.
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