Trademark Availability question
21-Nov-2024 (In Trademark & Copyright Law)
Im looking to start a Fashion marketplace called "modella" and was wondering if its possible to use this name? I have seen some similar names but i dont know if there is any issues if i want to use the name and get a trademark for it. Please advice.
The trademark process in India begins with conducting a thorough name search to ensure the chosen name, such as Modella, is unique and not already registered. If the name is unavailable, it must be changed to avoid objections during registration. Once the search confirms availability, the application can be filed. The Trademark Registrar examines the application, and if no objections or oppositions arise, the trademark is approved and registered.
Advocate Jayatee Chatterjee
The trademark process in India begins with conducting a thorough name search to ensure the chosen name, such as Modella, is unique and not already registered. If the name is unavailable, it must be changed to avoid objections during registration. Once the search confirms availability, the application can be filed. The Trademark Registrar examines the application, and if no objections or oppositions arise, the trademark is approved and registered.
Advocate Jayatee Chatterjee
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