
Blocking if passage thru neighbours land to my property

29-Oct-2024 (In Civil Law)
Sir, to enter into my coconut plot there were two passages through my two of my neighbours plot. A year back one has closed the passage and sold it to a new party. Complaint lodged to panchayath but if no positive action. Knowing the above issue, the second person objected me to use hs land passage to reach my plot. Despite offering money or equivalent land, the person being a member of a ruling party , continues to object my using his plot. Without his help , I have no other option.pls guide
Answers (1)

Answer #1
610 votes
If the first party has closed off your pathway, you can seek an injunction order from the relevant munsiff court to prevent them from restraining your access to your property. For more information, please contact us for further clarification.
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