One of the best Advocates & Lawyers in Munger - Advocate Prabhat Kumar

Advocate Prabhat Kumar

LawRato Verified
LawRatoLawRatoLawRatoLawRatoLawRato 5.0 | 5+ user ratings
LawRatoBari Bazaar, Munger
LawRato35 years Experience
Practice Areas
Anti Corruption, Anticipatory Bail, Civil, Court Marriage, Criminal, Domestic Violence, Family, High Court, Landlord/Tenant, Litigation, NCLT, Pmla, Pocso Act, Property, RERA, Succession Certificate
Language(s) Spoken: English, Hindi
Advocate Prabhat Kumar completed his law in the year 1990 and has been providing services in various fields of law, that is, Family, Landlord/ Tenant, Property, Criminal, Civil and drafting and vetting of various agreements and documents.

Advocate Prabhat enrolled with the Bar Council of Bihar in 1990. He is a member of the Munger Bar Association.

  • District Court, Jamui
  • District Court, Khagaria
  • District Court, Munger
  • Patna High Court

Popular Reviews

Ratan kumar - Verified Client LawRato LawRato LawRato LawRato LawRato
As a result of the advocate's guidance and advice, I was able to choose the best option possible in my legal situation.
Over 3 months ago
Anand - Verified Client LawRato LawRato LawRato LawRato LawRato
The lawyer had a good understanding of my issue. Adv.Prabhat Kumar aided me in resolving my legal matter successfully. The lawyer helped me in reaching the right decision that was required in my legal issue.
Over 3 months ago

Questions Answered by Advocate Prabhat Kumar

Q: How to transfer property from grandfather to grandson? Can a grandfather gift property to his grands

Is there a way to transfer property from a deceased grandfather directly to his grandson without first transferring it to the father's name (who is still alive) with his consent? If yes, how to transfer property from grandfather to grandson? Can a grandfather gift property to his grandson?

Advocate Prabhat Kumar answered
Yes, the property can be transferred to the grandson directly with the consent of the father. The father must make a private partition in the name of your brothers and sisters and file it to before circle officer of your locality.

Q: How to apply for my uncle bail in a 498A case

My uncle has been attested n in custody bcz 0f IPC307 but after arresting police inspector remove 307 and kept 498a and Lower court has rejected the bail. Can we get the bail from HC. He is in custody from past 2months. 2 more family members are charged but not in Custody.

Advocate Prabhat Kumar answered
When an f.i.r. is registered a police inspector has to investigate and after investigation he should frame charges and can change the mentioned charges in the F.I.R. yes you can get bail from the high court even after the rejection from lower court.

Q: Clarification regarding drafting will or gifting ancestral property

Unmovable property purchased by my Great-grand-father, after partition among 3 Grand-fathers through Court, my Grand-father got a part of land and a part of house. He has two sons and a married daughter. After expire of my mother (left 2 sons) and aunt (left one son and 3 daughter) my father and uncle remarried. By second wife my father has a son and a daughter and uncle has a daughter only. My father and uncle built their own home and living apart from us. After re-marriage of my father they forget me and after 15 years they forget my elder brother too. we are living with my Grand-father. I am employed but my brother is not. My Father and uncle has filed a TPS against My Grandfather, myself and my brother for 1/3 partition of property among for Grand-father, Father and Uncle . My Grand-father was suffering from Lung Cancer, he gifted 1/3rd to me and my brother again he made a registered will for some more properties and passed away. pls tell me the legal aspects with reference.

Advocate Prabhat Kumar answered
as the property were transfered by the court your grand father had the legal title of the property alloted to him and he can transfer it to the person whom he wants to do. You should submit your paper properly before the court of law during the case proceeding.

Q: Kidnapping and attempt to murder what to do

Respected All We have filed criminal case of kidnapping and forcible marriage at district court because local police station did not taken our FIR due to influence and various pressure but now the case is ragistered with district court so it has taken around 3 month and two date has gone in which court has taken statement of two witness from our side and our advocate is telling that when statement of all witness will be taken than court will summoned the accused. My problem is it taking too much time we have sought court intervention for relief but we r not getting and but an only assurance from advocate that we will get relief but it will take what is the solution for quick action from court and and another question is can we add more charges in ongoing case like some village fellow is warning murder of the boy and family member if we will not accept this marriage and we have tried for another fir at local police station but police not in our favour.

Advocate Prabhat Kumar answered
first of all you should file a case of life threatening which can be added with your case later. then you can pray to court for the quick trial of the case. Your advocate can pray the court on behalf of you.

Q: Not getting my right in ancestral property wants to claim that

My father was four brother out of which one brother recently father property is distributed among brothers not on paper.all brothers made their home including myself.i reside outside in job with get a shed over head i made a home on first floor.then my brothers family also utilised that floor making one parents with my elder brother family using all property.i made my home safe and smooth.gave them to use motor pump water but they used it and closed my water sewage telling u cannt flow water alongside my house.i was passing water since so many years.but intentionally wants to haraas me mentally.plz guide me full proof way to get rid of this dispute.

Advocate Prabhat Kumar answered
first of all you must file a petition for the proper distribution of property and then in this petition you can also claim the sewage problem to be shortout there. under the rule of law if you are using the sewage since a long time you have the right to use free passage.

Frequently Asked Questions about Advocate Prabhat Kumar

Can Advocate Prabhat Kumar represent me in court?

Yes, Advocate Prabhat Kumar can represent you in court. The lawyer is trained to present your case in the most effective way possible.

What should I bring to my initial consultation with Advocate Prabhat Kumar?

When you meet with Advocate Prabhat Kumar for an initial consultation, it is important to bring any relevant documents or information with you. This may include documents related to your legal issue, such as contracts or court orders, as well as any other relevant information, such as a list of questions or concerns you have about your case.

How do I prepare for my initial consultation with Advocate Prabhat Kumar?

Before your initial consultation with Advocate Prabhat Kumar, it can be helpful to think about the specific legal issue you are facing and any questions or concerns you have about your case. You should also gather any relevant documents or information that you think may be helpful in understanding your situation.

What should I expect during my initial consultation with Advocate Prabhat Kumar?

During your initial consultation with Advocate Prabhat Kumar, you can expect to discuss the specific legal issue you are facing and the details of your situation. Lawyer will ask you questions to get a better understanding of your case and will provide you with information about your legal options and any potential outcomes.

How do I communicate with Advocate Prabhat Kumar?

It is important to communicate with Advocate Prabhat Kumar regularly to stay updated on the progress of your case and to discuss any new developments or concerns you may have. You can communicate with the lawyer through phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings.

How much does it cost to hire Advocate Prabhat Kumar?

The cost of hiring Advocate Prabhat Kumar can vary widely. Some lawyers charge hourly rates, while others charge a flat fee for their services. Some also offer free initial consultations to discuss your case. Kindly contact the lawyer directly to enquire about the fee.