
What should I do if I want to remove my brother's name from my property? Specifically, how to remove

25-Jul-2024 (In Property Law)
I have a property that is jointly owned by me, my wife, and my brother. However, the payment for the purchase was made solely by me and my wife. Now, I want to remove my brother's name from the property. Can you please tell me the procedure to follow? Additionally, how to remove a sister from property, and what is the general process for removing a name from property? My religion is Hindu.
Answers (4)

Answer #1
547 votes
If you are in good terms with your brother and in case he is willing to sign papers, a simple solution would be to get a relinquishment deed executed by him. In case your brother is not co operating, you need to approach an appropriate Court of law for declaration.
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Answer #2
525 votes
You must take register right leave letter from your brother about purchase property otherwise file civil suit against your brother declaring that property purchased by you and your wife only brother was nutral.
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Answer #3
691 votes
If your brother name is in registered Title Deed and you want to remove your brother name then you can follow following steps -
your brother can release his share of the property by registered release deed in your name. or
He can gift his share in the said property to you by registered Gift Deed.
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Answer #4
720 votes
you can execute gift deed or release deed and get it registered at the office of sub registrar by paying necessary stamp duty and then fee. if your brother fails to agree to sign the gift deed or release deed file civil suit against which can be the last resort. plz note filing suit will not serve your immediate purpose so better try to manage him in getting registered gift deed or release deed
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