How to convert GPA into a sale deed if the owner is dead? What is the process to convert GPA to sale
25-Jul-2024 (In Property Law)
Hi, what is the GPA full form in property? We have a GPA in my mother's name that was originally in my mom's brother's name and executed in 1980. We never bothered to convert it into a sale deed, but now we need to for selling purposes. However, he has passed away, and we cannot find the old chain of documents. Could you suggest the best possible way to convert GPA to sale deed?
Before selling the property , you will need to get a sale deed executed and registered with the sub-registrar in the name of the current owner. If the GPA provides the attorney (i.e. your mother) with the power to sell / dispose off the property, this process can be completed now as well. The property documents need to be examined to provide holistic advice. You should consider taking an appointment with the relevant sub-registrar with the help of a broker and seek his advice as well.
Hello, GOA is only a authorisation given to someone else to make the sale deed on his behalf, it is not a substitute to sale deed. Only purpose which GPA does is since the owner is not able to perform some works on his own so he is authorising someone else on his behalf like signing sale deed, collecting money from sale proceeds etc. GPA doesnt give the ownership or possession of the priperty so GPA can not be converted to sale deed its a seperate document all together. Now since the person giving GPA has been passed away now the property will be divided differently.
A GPA is a valid document that entitles the person in whose favour it is made to transfer the property to anyone and in any manner as he may deem fit. If you have a will or and Agreement to Sell executed in favour of your mother then that will amount to a valid transfer of property. If not, the sale of property cannot happen without proper authorization from the GPA holder. To see exactly what kind of rights were already vested with your mother in the property and what more can be acquired, I'll have to see all property documents you have.
Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.
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