
Regarding Non payment of Salary

29-Oct-2024 (In Labour & Service Law)
I was employed as a central government employee and tendered my technical resignation on 26/02/2024 which was forwarded by my office to headquarters on 01/03/2024 for competent authority’s approval. Competent authority accepted my resignation on 08/03/2024 but headquarters sent this information to my office on 14/03/2024 and hence i was relieved from my duties on 15/03/2024. Now my office has withheld my salary for the period 09/03/2024 to 15/03/2024. Am i eligible for the salary or not?
Answers (1)

Answer #1
538 votes
your query is about non payment of salary kindly let me know that till when you work there and some other thing also so I can help you if you need further something
kindly contact me so I can help you
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