
Regarding delay in full and final

29-Sep-2024 (In Labour & Service Law)
I am planing to resign from my current organization. They generally delay fnf and many times deny to it as well. May past employees are still chasing for the same. They have non compete agreement signed with us. But even if employees joined new organization that doesn't comes under this clause. They still delay their fnf. I just want to reconfirm is there any law that they have to release fnf in one week or within specified period
Answers (2)

Answer #1
991 votes
Legally, full and final (FnF) settlements must generally be processed within 30 to 45 days from the employee’s last working day, depending on the company’s policy and employment contract. Delaying FnF beyond this period without valid reasons could amount to unfair labor practice. You can send a legal notice if they continue to delay. The non-compete clause should not affect your FnF settlement unless explicitly stated in your contract.
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Answer #2
758 votes
I have received your query regarding your case. There are lots of judgments in your favour. whenever you free call me back. there are so many laws in your favour and you can send the legal notice through advocate
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