
Legality of Show Cause Notice Issued

01-Sep-2024 (In Labour & Service Law)
1. Can a show cause notice be legally issued by an officer of the same rank as the recipient if directed by the disciplinary authority? 2. Is it mandatory for the disciplinary authority to sign the show cause notice themselves? 3. Can the issuance of such a notice be legally challenged?
Answers (2)

Answer #1
934 votes
Yes the show cause notice could be issued by the officer of the same rank if he has obtained the authority. Secondly, yes it is generally a mandate for the whole committee to sign the letter. Thirdly yes the legality of the notice could be challenged before the appropriate authority
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Answer #2
974 votes
Yes , a show cause notice(SCN) can be issued by an officer of the same rank if directed by a disciplinary committee. no, it is not mandatory for the committee to sign the SCN. Yes, issuance of such notice can be legally challenged in the court of law.
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