
Application for higher wages from EPFO

31-Oct-2024 (In Labour & Service Law)
My ex employer where I worked from 1987 to 2005 not ready to verify my details on Epfo portal inspite of reminders from epfo for higher pension application. EPFO not ready to go further without the approval of my ex employer What are the options I have pls advice Thanks
Answers (2)

Answer #1
710 votes
Respected sir/ madam!
Your ex employer is bound to update your details with EPFO. In your case, it is quite apparent that he is not doing so. You need to hire an advocate to draft a complaint and address it to the EPFO and relevant higher officials to conduct an inquiry against your ex employer.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #2
724 votes
Give a legal notice to employer and ask for the justification and also file a complaint with labour commisioner of concerned area.
A legal expert can draft things for you only after discussing the issue in detail.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato

Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.

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