
Married in india and divorce in canada ,Is a divorce decree from Canada admissible in india?

17-Jul-2024 (In Divorce Law)
I am an Indian citizen by birth and got married to a Canadian NRI in 2011in India as per Hindu law. My religion is Hindu and i married a Hindu guy. After marriage iwas sponsored by my ex husband and got my Canadian PR. I stayed with my ex husband for some weeks in Canada and then we separated and got divorced in Canada. After my divorce icame back to India and living in India only since canadian divorce valid in india?, Is my divorce decree from Canada recognizable in India? Can iget married again in India to an Indian citizen living in India on the basis of my Canadian divorce decree? Please send me genuine and correct information as i got two contradictory replies from this site earlier. Regards Neha
Answers (3)

Answer #1
694 votes
You can not remarry on the basis of canadian divorce decree legally alone in india. However on the basis of canadian divorce decree you can apply for divorce in Indian court of law which will grant you divorce easily.
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Answer #2
596 votes
As u said ur marriage was solemnized according to Hindu rights and custom the divorce which was passed by Canadian Court will not sustain in India u will have to file divorce in India so that u can get remarried
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Answer #3
921 votes
A marriage solemnized under the hindu law is governed by the provisions of the same.A divorce decree passed by a Canadian court is valid only when it has been passed under the hindu law otherwise it is null and void.
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