
I was called by somone saying me and my family will be arrested.

01-Sep-2024 (In Cyber Crime Law)
Me and my friend as a joke availed a paid call service on whatsapp.We paid some money but was not called.The next day through that number someone called and and told me that you have made a transaction to this number and a case has been registered to this number by my State Police and the details will be shared to you tomorrow.He also told ,me and my family will go to jail.I didnt recieve any messages the next day and i blocked his number.I am a student should i be worried?
Answers (1)

Answer #1
827 votes
You don't need to worry. As per your words this is a fake spam call team. If they call again you should file a complaint in CyberCell , you can file the complaint through Cyber crime website, and there is also an option of help line number. Your transaction or act does not attract a criminal nature.
Thank you Neeraj T Narendran
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