
What is the 10 rs stamp paper validity ?

04-Jul-2024 (In Civil Law)
Dear Sir, I have signed an agreement on 10 rs stamp paper in Delhi, i didnt know the validity of the same. Now need to understand the validity of the agreement if the same is not valid then whats the remedy. is 10 rs stamp paper valid for rent agreement ?
Answers (4)

Answer #1
523 votes
First of all any agreement is valid on stamp paper of rupees fifty . Agreement on rupees ten is not valid. Rupees ten stamp paper is for affidavits and declarations only. However validity of the agreement does not depend upon stamp paper , it totally depends upon the tenure mentioned in the agreement. If any time limitations or tenure is not agreed in the agreement in written then it is totally upon the conditions and circumstances of the agreement. Show this agreement to a lawyer or advocate and get a consultation. An advocate if necessary can draft a fresh agreement. Do not go to the doccumentation shops because these shops do not know about law and they juat print a readymade formats by changing name and addresses. Hope you are clear.. ? If not contact us .
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Answer #2
836 votes
The value of the agreement completely depends on what sort of agreement you have got engaged into .Therefore its very difficult to comment weather the agreement that you have executed weather its applicable or not as you have not disclosed what sort of agreement it is ?? Is it a transfer of property or some other transaction please define to get a exact revert on the same ,Please contact for any further details thanks.
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Answer #3
624 votes
Dear Sir/ Ma'am,

Please note that unless a document, or an agreement, has been registered with the requisite authority, the presence or absence of stamp paper does not affect its validity.

Therefore, irrespective of the stamp paper, if the agreement was valid to begin with, it's a valid agreement subject to the provisions of Registration Act.
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Answer #4
838 votes
First of all there are two types of agreement. 1.Notarized stamp paper have some legal validity. 2. Registered. In your case it is simple agreement then it doesnot have any legal validity. So there cannpt be any legal action on it.
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